
You can find below the posters submitted to the DPISE 2024 workshop.
(click on the image to enlarge)

All participants in the workshop are invited to vote for the best poster award. A separate email will be received by all registered participants with an individual link for voting.

Poster ID


Poster preview


Worker Line Balancing Optimization through the Integration of Real-Time Data from Machines and Operators: a Big Data Analytics Approach

António Bumba


Multiclass Prediction Models for Bankruptcy: A Comparative Study in Portugal

Ana Margarida Jorge Sousa


Introducing Assistive Assembly: Reducing cognitive workload, unlocking efficiency

André Cardoso


The future of electric vehicles batteries: pathways, challenges and opportunities

Anna Luiza Santos


Challenges and prospects of electricity generation and usage in Sub-saharan Africa

Budareld Maria Mbumba


Analysing misinformation dynamics: a case study of fake news propagation

Daniel Botelho


Manufacturing system failures identification through predictive approach: A contribute for industry 5.0

Eduardo Manuel C. D. Pessoa Santos


Use of indoor location technologies in healthcare contexts: a scoping review

Erik Teixeira Lopes


Assessing Sustainability Impacts in Projects: a systematic review of accounting practices

Filipe Machado


The Naval Industry’s Contribution to Sustainable Development in Angola

Joserio da Silva


Assessment of Circular Solutions for Solar Photovoltaic Waste in Portugal

Marcela Jório


A Firefighting Resource Dispatch Problem Optimization using Metaheuristics

Marina Araújo de Matos


Multi-Project Scheduling Under Uncertainty: an approach to exploit resource flexibility

Marzieh Aghileh